Thursday, September 30, 2010
Updates and Homework!
As for homework we are reading INTHECONVERSATION with Randall Szott and Sal Randolph. Also, check out Josh Greene's Service Works for another micro granting system.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tone Tube
This video is the documentation of the "Instructable" assignment.
Although this version of the People-Annoyer is made with pill bottles. However, one can use many different types of containers toward the same end.
The next step is to employ a plumbing piece with openings connecting three Noise Tubes- when tuned correctly, the resulting wind bellows forth in consonant transcendence, uniting all humans. L'unité dans le sonique!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Light Bulb Terrariums
· Light bulbs
· Small magnets
· Large washers
· Soil and seeds
· Water and sunlight
· Newspaper
· Leather gloves
· Safety glasses
· Slot screwdriver
· Mallet
· Needle nose pliers
· Salt and water
I found a few instructions on how to make different kinds of light bulb terrariums, but none of the instructions were very detailed and the process was kind of intimidating.
First, the setup: I think it was best to do this outside with a newspaper to catch all the glass shards. Don’t forget safety; wear your leather gloves and safety glasses to protect your hands and eyes.
Carefully hold the light bulb above the newspaper with the screwdriver poised as a chisel against the glass support at the bottom of the bulb and use the mallet to break it into pieces without breaking the glass bulb.
After the support is broken take out the electronic parts but don’t shake the bulb, this results in broken glass and a ruined project. Make sure to pull all the wires out and break out the inner glass support, again without breaking the bulb.
Use the salt to get all the little pieces out of the bulbs but pouring in a little bit into the bulb and shaking it up. Then pour some water in to get rid of the white powder that diffuses the light and obstructs your view to the inside of the bulb.
With the light bulb all cleaned out and dry slide the little magnet inside and pour a little soil in on top. Next, put a few seeds in (I used about five) and gently shake to get the seeds to bury themselves. Gently pour some water in, but be careful not to overwater.
Set the bulb on the washer, the magnet will stabilize it. Then set the whole thing in a safe place in the sunlight and let it grow!
The light bulb terrarium works best if the light bulb is stationed on it's side or glass side down. Plants don't like to grow in the closed space of a light bulb glass side up.
Also, if using a high powered magnet and washer to keep the terrarium steady do not pull them apart and let them snap back together. This causes the glass to shatter over the various times it is allowed to snap together. Leave them together or do not use the magnets at all.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
So here's the puppet. He's awfully cute, I'm pretty happy with him. You all noticed the change from the tinsel to the fabric boas, which is not only greener, but a lot more attractive. I also opted to make his head out of paper mache instead of a styrofoam ball, which, again, more green, more attractive. Substituting a stick instead of the ruler was a matter of cost-effectiveness, and I'm not sure if it works with the over-all look, but I saved dough, so whatever.
Some things I will change when I make the next one:
1. I want to figure out hands and feet. I have some washers, but they're being used in a photoshoot currently. When I get them back, I will use them to weigh down the feet. I think I will make the hands and feet out of paper mache, like the head.
2. Smaller boas... this means just that I would string up smaller squares, as those squares are awfully fat. I would also make his arms a little shorter than his legs.
3. Since it would be my final puppet, I might go crazy and buy a wooden dowl instead of using a twig. I also want to experiment with making a more traditional marionette cross at the top, instead of just one line.
I'm gonna request that tomorrow I go first, and we all make our paper mache heads. It won't take much time, and that way for my real workshop we don't have to worry about waiting for the head to dry.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Notes from class
September 13 - Instructables Project due
September 15 - Mary comes to class
September 20 - Regrouping session, Instructables Project Documentation due on Blog
To read the article about Social Practice on Culturehall click here:
For sculpture safety manual click here:
Connor's Instructables
Showerglass: A DIY five-minute hourglass to help you take shorter showers.
Paper Plant Pots: Planters made from newspaper, which can later be buried.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Andy Instructables
Pocket Sundial
Descriptions to come!
Sasha's ideas
these are neat little monsters
these are crayon related.