Marc Fischer is 1/3's part of a group called Temporary Services. The group explored a project titled Public Sculpture Opinion Poll. He comments public sculpture can cost so much money to make and also upkeep. In this exploration the group strapped clipboards to poles near a site of sculpture and asked the public their opinion. One of these events asked for feedback on a sculpture titled Episodic. It is a continuous form made up of light poles. Apparently Episodic did not have any information accompaning it for some time and the community's response in general was negative. I do not believe the ability of public sculpture should be dismissed. In some cases it may need the intent spelled out to reach a broader audience. However, I realize not everyone is accessible and sometimes artists are making art for other artists. The success in the Public Sculpture Pole I believe is raising questions, for the viewer and the artist. In a sense Temporary Services act as "middle men" in this project. I found it interesting when the group received more thought out opinions when responses were able to be made via email.
I appreciate the sort of community based work and social experimentation Marc Fischer is dealing with. His photographs of particular areas I found fun and appealing. The images are makeshift instances of everyday people. They convey the creative acts that occur on the streets. I think Marc Fischer and his collaborators are in most cases, making a critique of Art that resides in galleries and permanent collections.
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